Мать облила свою дочь керосином и сожгла заживо. Причина такой жестокости шокирует!

Мы мало что знаем о Пакистане. В Сети можно найти лишь информацию о том, что это бедная страна третьего мира, которая испокон веков враждует с Индией и обладает современным ядерным оружием. Кроме прочего, у Пакистана третья в мире армия по численности и 12-я по силе. Официальная религия — ислам.

В 2015 году в Пакистане было зафиксировано наибольшее количество смертных приговоров — 325. Это мировой рекорд. Примечательно то, что до 2014 года в стране действовал мораторий на смертную казнь. Не нам судить о том, что у них там творится, но факты говорят сами за себя. Порой из этой страны до нас доходят ужасные вести. Вот одна из них.

Pakistani Hassan Khan  shows a picture of his wife Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, on a mobile phone to media at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry the man, Hassan Khan, who she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
Pakistani Hassan Khan shows a picture of his wife Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, on a mobile phone to media at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry the man, Hassan Khan, who she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)

Гражданку Пакистана обвиняют в зверском убийстве собственной дочери. Она привязала ее к кровати, облила керосином и сожгла заживо. Эта чудовищная экзекуция произошла в городе Лохор, а причиной стало решение девушки выйти замуж за парня, которого не одобрила ее семья. Юная Зиинат Рафик погибла за то, что вышла замуж… по любви.

Hassan Khan, husband of Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, shows his marriage certificate to media at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
Hassan Khan, husband of Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, shows his marriage certificate to media at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)

Мать не смогла смириться с решением дочери и обманом заманила ее в родной дом, где и совершила убийство. Зиинат ожидала худшего, признается ее муж. За несколько дней до сожжения к ней приходили родственники и просили сыграть традиционную свадьбу, чтобы не ходили слухи о том, будто девушка сбежала. Вот чем это закончилось.

Hassan Khan shows the picture of his wife Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, on a mobile phone at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
Hassan Khan shows the picture of his wife Zeenat Rafiq, who was burned alive, allegedly by her mother, on a mobile phone at his home in Lahore, Pakistan Wednesday, June 8, 2016. A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with, police said. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)